SPLICE August 2018 Workshop
The third SPLICE Project workshop will be held in conjunction with ICER 2018 in Espoo, Finland on Sunday, August 12. Check workshop webpage at ICER.
Workshop Theme: Computing Science Educational Infrastructure: Crossing the Borders
Workshop Hosts:- Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh
- Ken Koedinger, CMU
- Cliff Shaffer, Virginia Tech
- Steve Edwards, Virginia Tech
The purpose of this workshop is to expand the borders of the SPLICE community, bringing together researchers from the United States,
Europe, and the rest of the world who wish to contribute to the joint effort of designing and building an infrastructure for data-intensive research in Computing Education.
The infrastructure should support (1) broader re-use of innovative learning content that is instrumented for rich data collection,
(2) formats and tools for analysis of learner data, and (3) development of best practices to make collections of learner data available to researchers.
The workshop focus will be on how our tools can better interoperate, and how we can share both data and analysis tools to improve education research efforts across the discipline and beyond.
We will introduce the goals of SPLICE Community, report progress to date, present a range of relevant activities, and plan future collaboration.
- Haltia Finnish Nature Centre in Nuuksio National Park
- 8:00 Bus leaves from Radisson Blu (7:00 from Hakaniemi, 7:30 from Kamppi if required)
- 8:45 Introduction
- 9:00 Workshop starts
- 9:00-10:20 Session 1
- Informing about SPLICE, goals, opportunities
- Peter Brusilovsky - Intro, report on Workshops, WGs, and call for collaboration
- Smart Content and Data Collection
- Kerttu Pollari-Malmi on Python course with reusable smart content
- Mikko-Jussi Laakso “Learning Analytics as a catalyst for any education system”
- Nikolay Vyahhi “Code Grading at Scale”
- 10:20-10:40 Coffee Break with posters
- 10:40-12:00 Session 2
- Interoperability and Infrastructures
- Otto Seppälä on “A+ Infrastructure”
- Peter Brusilovsky on Adapt2 and MasteryGrids
- Jan-Mikael Rybicki “Using the ACOS server to deliver multipurpose interactive content”
- Data Analysis and Datamining
- Arto Hellas "Multimodal data mining in a MOOC in programming”
- Petri Ihantola ““Other than log data: interoperability of questionnaires and combining logs and physiological data”
- 12:00-13:40 Lunch and Hike (or visiting Haltia)
- 13:40-16:00 Discussion
- 13:40-14:40 Group discussions and Slide preparation
- 14:40-15:00 Coffee Break
- 15:00-15:45 Reporting and Joint Discussion
- Closing, Establishing Collaborations
- 16:00 Bus leaves to Espoo
- 17:00 Reception @ Dipoli
Agenda last updated: 8/10/2018
Reminders for Attendees
- You should already have filled out the survey
- A limited number of travel grants to cover extra travel expenses associated with attending the workshop are available. Please contact the organizers if you need travel support.