SPLICE Mini-Grants Program
Both the original NSF grant and the current NSF grant include funding for SPLICE to provide mini-grants (typically, $5,000-20,000) to our collaborators to do work that advances SPLICE priorities. Below is information on prior and ongoing mini-grant projects, and also information on how to apply for a mini-grant.
Apply for a SPLICE Mini-Grant
To apply, please fill out the application form.
- Brad Miller (Runestone Interactive), Runestone Anonymous Data Proposal
- Ryan Hardt (University of St. Thomas), Integration of Database Query Analyzier (DBQA) with Mastery Grids
- Jeremiah Blanchard (University of Florida) and John R. Hott (University of Virginia), ARTCE: the Archival Repository of Tools for Computing Education
- Paulo Carvalho and Michael Asher (Carnegie Mellon University), LearnSphere Workflow Components Education