SPLICE'25: CS Education Research Technology
and Data Infrastructure Community Meeting

Eleventh SPLICE Workshop Call for Participation

All information on this page is currently tentative!

CS educators and CS Ed researchers and developers are invited to the 11th annual SPLICE meeting, focused on creating new Technology and Data Infrastructure for CS Education Research.

The mission of the SPLICE project is to develop Technology and Data Infrastructure for CS Education Research.

Registration: If think that you are likely to attend, please fill out the Registration Form.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025, Pittsburgh, PA (An Affiliated Event with SIGCSE’25)

Who should attend? We encourage you to attend if:

What will you do at the workshop? You will:

How much does it cost?

To participate in the workshop: If think that you are likely to attend, please fill out the Registration Form.

See the Community Contributions Page.

Workshop Hosts

Cliff Shaffer, Virginia Tech
Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh
Ken Koedinger, Carnegie Mellon University
Thomas Price, North Carolina State University
Tiffany Barnes, North Carolina State University

Workshop Agenda (Tentative)

9:00 Introduction Plenary Session

9:30 Discussion Breakout 1: What can SPLICE infrastructure provide to you? (Round table discussion topics derived from survey)

10:30 Break

11:00 Working Groups I Breakout:

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Plenary: Announcements, report-outs from morning sessions

1:15 Discussion Breakout 2: Topics gathered from the registration survey forms

2:15 Break

3:00 Working Groups II Breakout:

4:00 Report-outs from afternoon sessions

4:30 Discussion and wrap-up