SPLICE 10th Workshop: Technology and Data Infrastructure for CS Education Research

10th SPLICE Workshop Call for Participation

Monday, May 13 and Tuesday, May 14 from 10am-1pm US East Coast Time (GMT -4).
Zoom Link: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/85821418049?pwd=ckxzUGF1dUg4a28rQi9xNlhyZFh1dz09 (Meeting ID: 85821418049, Password: SPLICE).

CS educators and CS Ed researchers and developers are invited to the 10th annual SPLICE meeting, focused on creating new Technology and Data Infrastructure for CS Education Research.

All are welcome to attend. But if you plan to attend, it will help us with planning if you would fill out this form: https://virginiatech.questionpro.com/t/AU2GTZ2UQW.

The mission of the SPLICE project is to develop Technology and Data Infrastructure for CS Education Research. At this SPLICE community meeting, we invite you to contribute to our SPLICE Working Groups, find out about how to apply for a SPLICE mini-grant, and hear the latest updates on the SPLICE Portal and Catalog.

Many SIGCSE attendees are either developing or using online educational tools, and all will benefit from better interoperability among these tools and better analysis of the clickstream data coming from those tools. New tools for analyzing big data leveraged by AI (e.g., deep learning for assessment) in turn improve both content and pedagogy, thus setting up a virtuous cycle fueling learning discoveries and leveraging innovation in AI: Online technologies → big data analysis → better online technologies. This workshop is the latest in a series of SPLICE workshops. This year, we present updates on our work with several new SPLICE community working groups, including those on Dashboards, Large Language Models, Parsons Problems, and Smart Learning Content Protocols. We continue to build upon our existing collaborations developed over the course of the project to engage more members of the community in tasks that will advance the project agenda.

Workshop materials: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ezod16blOotXLjsfGDQT0IBbSKyqwqQz?usp=sharing


Workshop Agenda

Please see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sg_b4tZU8A9fZWT8t1e1dLXJYcc7faz8HlVhmt8DNCA/edit?usp=sharing

Communications: We are using a Google Group for email communications: https://groups.google.com/g/cssplice.

Workshop Hosts

Cliff Shaffer, Virginia Tech
Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh
Ken Koedinger, Carnegie Mellon University
Thomas Price, North Carolina State University
Tiffany Barnes, North Carolina State University