The Programming Exercise Markup Language (PEML) is designed to provide an ultra-human-friendly authoring format for describing automatically graded programming assignments.
exercise_id:edu.vt.cs.cs1114.palindromes# Single-line comments start with ## Comments must be on lines by themselvestitle:Palindromes(ASimplePEMLExample),loops,conditionsprerequisites:variables,assignment,booleanoperatorsinstructions:----------
Write a program that reads a single string (in the form of one line
of text) from its standard input, and determines whether the string is
a _palindrome_. A palindrome is a string that reads the same way
backward as it does forward, such as "racecar" or "madam". Your
program does not need to prompt for its input, and should only generate
one line of output, in the following
"racecar" is a palindrome.
"Flintstone" is not a palindrome.
----------assets.test_format:stdin-stdout[systems]language:javaversion:>=1.5[]# Test data/files/classes are probably located in separate files, but this# is a simple example of how to do something directly inline[suites][.cases]stdin:racecarstdout:"racecar"isapalindrome.stdin:Flintstonestdout:"Flintstone"isnotapalindrome.stdin:url(some/local/input.txt)stdout:url(some/local/output.txt)stdin:url([][]# The [] ends/closes a list of items, but they can be omitted at the# end of the file, since EOF auto-closes any open lists. The first []# closes the list of cases in one suite, while the second [] closes# the list of suites, which here includes only one suite.
exercise_id: This is a minimalist example of the barest properties needed for# an exercise description. It includes a license instead of author# (you can provide both, if desired)# title is requiredtitle:AMinimalPEMLDescription# Listing the license is very strongly encouraged, but not mandatory# See: For id's, see keywords at:# Must include at least one of: instructions or systems or suitesinstructions:----------
Write instructions for your exercise here.
exercise_id: A basic template to fill in a new exercise description, including# common fields you can usetitle:<Insert your title here><pick your license> tags describing this exercise. All are optional. Generally, a# semi-colon-separated list of terms can be used for any tags. When# in doubt, consider using terms from the ACM Computing Curricula# recommendations at:# For example, refer to the Computer Science Curricula 2013# (specifically, Appendix A: The Body of Knowledge):# just remove the ones you do not want to usetags.topics:<topic(s) this exercise focuses on practicing>tags.prerequisites:<should already know these, can specify: exposure, familiarity, mastery><or other choice>tags.course:<name your course, if relevant><name your textbook, if relevant>tags.personal:<optional personal/custom values that aren't topics>instructions:----------
Write your instructions here (using markdown and/or html tags).
Include images or resources using relative links, which are resolved relative
to the "public_html" key.
markdown-style image: 
or html: <img src="image2.png" alt="my second picture"/>
Use fenced code blocks:
if (something.hasProperty())
----------# By convention, relative URLs in the instructions refer to contents# in the subdirectory named "public_html" alongside# this PEML description (or packaged in its zip file), or you can# specify a different URL or file set# public_html: url(public_html)# Can support multiple languages/systems, but only one shown here for# simplicity[systems]language:Javaversion:>=1.9# All associated resources are, by convention, found in appropriately# named subdirectories located alongside this PEML description (or# packaged in its zip file).# Place any initial source files that students are given as a starting# point for creating their answer in:# src/starter/...# Place any (optional) test suite files in:# suites/...# Place any (optional) solution(s) you have in directories like:# solutions/<name-of-solution>/...## Use the solution name "reference" for a reference solution, if you# have one.# Place any additional files (set the discussion of environments) in:# environment/start/...# environment/build/...# environment/run/...# environment/test/...# If multiple systems are listed, system-specific resources default to# the following subdirectories by convention, adding to/replacing any# from the non-system-specific directories listed above:# systems/<language-name>/src/...# systems/<language-name>/src/solutions/<name-of-solution>/...# systems/<language-name>/suites/...# systems/<language-name>/environment/start/...# systems/<language-name>/environment/build/...# systems/<language-name>/environment/run/...# systems/<language-name>/environment/test/...# etc.
exercise_id: A basic template that shows how to inline some of the contentstitle:<Insert your title here><pick your license> tags describing this exercise. All are optional. Generally, a# semi-colon-separated list of terms can be used for any tags. When# in doubt, consider using terms from the ACM Computing Curricula# recommendations at:# For example, refer to the Computer Science Curricula 2013# (specifically, Appendix A: The Body of Knowledge):# just remove the ones you do not want to usetags.topics:<topic(s) this exercise focuses on practicing>tags.prerequisites:<should already know these, can specify: exposure, familiarity, mastery><or other choice>tags.course:<name your course, if relevant><name your textbook, if relevant>tags.personal:<optional personal/custom values that aren't topics>instructions:----------
Write your instructions here (using markdown and/or html tags).
Include images or resources using relative links, which are resolved relative
to the "public_html" key.
markdown-style image: 
or html: <img src="image2.png" alt="my second picture"/>
Use fenced code blocks:
if (something.hasProperty())
----------# Specify an explicit location, instead of using the defaultpublic_html:url( Can support multiple languages/systems, but only one shown here for# simplicity[systems]language:Javaversion:>=1.9# Initial files provided to student to create their solution# This value is being explicitly specified; otherwise, it would come from:# systems/Java/src/files/...[.src.files]# Example of file included inline:name:Answer.javacontent:----------
public class Answer
// Insert your answer here
----------# Example of file included inline, URL relative to PEML description:name:AnswerTest.javacontent:url(src/[]# Empty square brackets above marks end of list of [.src.files]# Solution(s) provided by author[]name:referencesolutiondescription:anoptionaldescriptionreference:true# "files" is a file set, and can be provided inline if neededfiles:url(src/solutions/reference)[]# Empty square brackets above marks end of list of [][.suites]# First suite includes tabular values specified in PEML directlyname:peml_stdio_testsvisibility:publicpattern.description:template://Here,thecodeisbasedonaspecifictoolthatgeneratesJUnit-style//testsusingthisasatemplate,andsubstitutingvariablesbasedon//the"columns"inthelistofcases.setSystemIn();Answer.main();assertEquals(,,systemOut().getHistory());[.cases]stdin:racecarstdout:"racecar"isapalindrome.stdin:Flintstonestdout:"Flintstone"isnotapalindrome.[]name:csv_stdio_teststype:text/x-unquoted-csv# patterns are user-defined strings built by variable interpolation from the# "columns"/fields in a test case.pattern.description:sumNumbers()->pattern.actual:subject.sumNumbers()# Some tools may use a template, populated by variable substitution using# the columns/fields/patterns for one test cases, to produce an executable test.# whether and how this is supported is tool-dependent.template:assertEquals(,);content:----------
"7 11",18,example
----------[][]# environments can be specified through[.environment.test.files]name:some-file-available-during-testing.txtcontent:----------
some data ...