SPLICE iframe Protocol: Demos

Below each element, you can see the messages that each iframe sends to its parent (that is, this page).

Also look at the console log in the development tools (Ctrl+Shift+J or ⌘+Shift+J).




Uses this simple adapter



The widget setup is modified as follows:

parson = new ParsonsWidget({
  action_cb: logData => {
    if (logData.type === 'feedback') 
      SPLICE.reportScoreAndState('turtle-test', logData.success ? 1 : 0, logData.output)
  . . .


PCEX Activity


Add Your Own

Enter the address of any element and click the “Add” button. If the element supports the SPLICE iframe protocol, you will see a message whose subject is lti.frameResize. As you interact with the element, watch for SPLICE.reportScoreAndState messages.

iframe URL: