Standards, Protocols, and Learning Infrastructure for Computing Education

Welcome to the home of the SPLICE project. Our mission is to support the CS Education community by supplying documentation and infrastructure to help with adopting shared standards, protocols, and tools. In this way we hope to promote

Need technical assistance? If you need some help getting LTI to work with your application, or similar technology, our community might be able to give advice.

For a fuller description of our vision and goals, see the overview from our successful NSF proposal.

Recent News and Upcoming Events

SPLICE Working Groups

Reusable Smart Content for CS Education

See our full list to find smart content organized by institution, domain, or type.


Administrative Policy

This section provides a collection of resources related to many non-technical issues that CS Education researchers and systems builders have to deal with. This includes things like:

Previous Workshops and Events

Project Support

NSF Logo

SPLICE is supported by the National Science Foundation and by Virginia Tech's Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies unit.